Foot care in the older person

Whelehans of Mullingar are introducing a reduced rate of €25 for foot treatments for over 60s with their chiropodist on Tuesday March 6.

Common foot problems in the older person include dry and hard skin, corns, callouses, verrucas, ingrown toenails, and fungal infection such as athletes foot and fungal nail infection

Daily care tips

Clean feet thoroughly with warm water. Dry both feet especially between toes. Trim toenails straight across. Do not cut too close to the nail bed. Smooth sharp corner or edges of nails with a nail file. Many foot treatments such as corn removal pads contain salicylic acid which can burn the skin so must be avoided in diabetics and older people with poor circulation, sensitive skin etc. Use cotton socks as they can absorb sweat. Change socks daily.

Keeping feet clean and moisturised daily is vital. Whelehans Moisturising Foot Cream can ease and prevent dry, hard, and cracked skin on the feet and heels. It is based on a powerful naturally occurring moisturiser called urea.

Whelehans are offering foot treatments for over 60s with their chiropodist at a reduced rate of €25. Offer is for Tuesday March 6 only. Book now at (044 ) 9334591. The special rate of €25 per treatment applies to over 60s only. Treatment is limited to one per visit.

Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse Street, Mullingar (opposite the Greville Arms Hotel ). Tel (044 ) 9334591 or visit


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