Avoid the Christmas slump

Christmas time, mistletoe and wine... and mince pies, sweets, Christmas pudding, chocolates, wine, Christmas cake; we could go on. We want to enjoy the festive season, yet all too often, indulgence leaves us feeling heavy, bloated, and sluggish.

Poor digestion is what causes waste gases and sluggish bowels, which in turn lead to bloating – the stomach feels uncomfortable, full and tight including a visibly rounded or bloated stomach.

Whelehans Pharmacy encounters many who suffer from a heavy or bloating feeling after eating, in some cases even after only eating very little. They have discovered that the powerful probiotic, OptiBac ‘For a flat stomach’ has been the solution for many people. This suggests that in many cases, these uncomfortable symptoms are simply caused by an imbalance in the natural microflora in the gut. For those suffering from regular abdominal discomfort after eating, try the ‘optibac test’ to see if optibac probiotics can relieve your symptoms. This month, the influential and respected Health Science Institute in the UK recommended Optibac ‘For a flat stomach’ as a means of supporting your digestion and banishing bloating.

Why choose Optibac?

OptiBac ‘For a flat stomach’ is a probiotic and prebiotic supplement specifically made for those with abdominal bloating. The Optibac range is exclusive to Whelehans Pharmacy, Mullingar. OptiBac ‘For a flat stomach’ guarantees five billion probiotic microorganisms per daily dose, including acidophilus. The benefit of Optibac probiotics is that there is no need to refrigerate, no artificial sweeteners, colours, or flavourings, there is significant research and documentation with each strain and the number of live probiotics are guaranteed until expiry.

Whelehans Pharmacy is located at Pearse Street, Mullingar (opposite the Greville Arms Hotel ). Tel (044 ) 9334591.


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