Just the tonic!

There is no substitute for a healthy balanced diet, but from time to time we need a little boost in the form of a tonic or supplement. Times a boost may be needed include busy periods at work, stressful periods, or after an illness. Whelehans Traditional Tonic from Whelehans Pharmacy Mullingar contains stress-busting and energy-releasing B vitamins and iron.

The main benefits of B vitamins are aiding memory, improving mood, providing energy, removing toxins, and preventing heart disease. B vitamins are found naturally in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, oranges, peas, avocados, pork, liver, fish, meat, nuts, peanut butter, and dairy products. More detailed information is available at www.whelehans.ie Whelehans Traditional Tonic contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B12.

Whelehans Tonic also contains iron which can relieve fatigue and improve the body’s immunity. We need iron for many important body functions, the most important of which is the manufacture of haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in our blood. Babies, teenagers, and women (especially women with heavy periods ) are more likely to suffer from iron-deficiency anaemia. The good news is that anaemia is easily treated and after a few weeks of treatment you will have your energy back.

The symptoms of anaemia generally develop slowly over a period of time which leads to many people overlooking the symptoms and not getting diagnosed.

Get checked for low iron

Symptoms such as tiredness, palpitations, and breathlessness are not always due to iron-deficiency anaemia so if you are suffering from any of these symptoms it is advised to firstly get a haemoglobin check. If this is normal, then a full blood test from your GP is advised. You do not need to make an appointment to get your haemoglobin checked in Whelehans. The test is quick (only takes two minutes and results are instant ) and inexpensive (now only €5 ).

The type of iron is important. Whelehans Traditional Tonic contains 200mg/5ml of Ferric Ammonium Citrate which is equivalent to 40mg of iron. It is a chelated iron with means it is absorbed more easily and causes fewer side effects than non-chelated iron.

There is a €2 off voucher to cut out from the ad for Whelehans Tonic in this paper.

Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse St, Mullingar (Opposite the Greville Arms Hotel ). Tel (044 ) 9334591. www.whelehans.ie


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