Healer Paddy Hughes comes to Athlone

It has been over 30 years since Paddy Hughes discovered his aunt had chosen him to carry on the gift of healing which it was claimed had been in the family for over 100 years.

Paddy claims to have close to 30 different cures and says he heals through prayer. Among the remedies he uses are oatmeal to treat asthma, angina, and headaches, and sand to treat warts and verruccas.

He cannot explain how it works, but is a great believer in the power of prayer, and says he gets requests from people from all walks of life.

Paddy also works with animals suffering from conditions including pink eye, orf in sheep, or redwater in cattle.

Paddy will be in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone on August 30, September 6, and September 13 (three Tuesdays ) from 12 noon to 7pm.


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