Body Confidence

Simple steps to boost your body confidence

With the summer upon us we are all feeling the need to get fit and healthy before we have to bare it all in a bikini or shorts this season. Fear not, there are so many options available to people looking to lose a few pounds, shape up, or simply to achieve a healthy glow.

Eat well: Enjoy a varied diet and eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible. This may seem obvious, but we are all guilty of skipping one or two of the five a day, so try to avoid falling into the habit of eating less of what is good for you. Fruit juice is an easy way to stock up on portions, and the extra vitamin C will help to fight off colds.

Exercise: Get a good aerobic workout at least three times a week, whether it is a gym workout, a brisk walk, jogging, energetic bursts of housework, or kicking a ball around with your children. Exercise even if you feel lethargic — the more exercise you get, the more energy you will have.

Relax: Make sure you put aside some time for yourself. We can easily forget to schedule some ‘me time’ amid the bustle of work, family, and social commitments, so put aside half an hour every day to relax and relieve stress. Read a book, meditate, or enjoy a relaxing massage or spa therapy of your choice.


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