Safefood research reveals food safety issues when using smartphones while cooking

A new research study from safefood highlights the need to use good food hygiene practices when cooking at home while using smart devices.

The study looked at hygiene habits when using a smartphone or tablet in the home kitchen. Participants of the study were observed using a smartphone or tablet when cooking a meal which involved raw poultry and raw eggs.

This revealed that one in three didn’t wash their hands after touching raw chicken before touching a smart device. The majority (74% ) didn’t wash their hands after handling raw eggs and before handling their smart device. Participants had their hands and personal devices swabbed to analyse for food poisoning bacteria. During a 30-minute cooking activity, participants touched their smart device on average almost six times.

After cooking, around 6% of pre-cleaned smart devices were found to be contaminated with potentially food poisoning bacteria.

“From searching for recipes to watching cooking tutorials or capturing moments for social media, smart devices like smartphones or tablets have become indispensable tools for many during meal preparation. Given the widespread use of these devices in the kitchen, people should be aware of the possible food safety risks. Our research found that food poisoning bacteria, like Salmonella and E.coli., can survive on the screen of a smart device for more than 24 hours,” introducing the research, Trish Twohig, Director of Food Safety with safefood, said.

safefood’s top tips for good food safety habits while using a smart device in the kitchen

Wash hands before and after cooking

Clean hands are important to help stop cross-contamination between your smart device and ingredients when cooking. Before and between handling ingredients and your smart device, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap, drying with a clean hand towel.

Clean worktop before and after cooking with a smart device

When using a smart device while cooking, placing your device on an unclean kitchen worktop could spread harmful bacteria. Always wash kitchen worktops with hot soapy water before and after preparing food. Cleaning as you go will help reduce cross-contamination and keep your workspace clear.

Disinfect your smart device before and after cooking

Before you start cooking, disinfect your smart device to help reduce potential cross-contamination. It’s important to also disinfect your smart device after cooking if you have handled raw ingredients such as meat, poultry, or eggs. Always follow your manufacturers’ instructions before doing so. Using antibacterial wipes (containing at least 70% alcohol ) can significantly reduce the contamination on smart device surfaces. When disinfecting, pay close attention to the screen, buttons, and edges.


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