Accelerated benefits of wound healing with hyperbaric oxygenation

Hyperbaric oxygenation is an effective and scientifically proven treatment for non-healing wounds.

It works by exposing the person to increased levels of oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which facilitates the healing process. The increased pressure allows more oxygen to enter the bloodstream and reach damaged tissues, therefore promoting wound healing.

Benefits following sessions of hyperbaric oxygenation include reduction in pain and discomfort, reduced risks of bacterial infections, reduction in swelling and inflammation and increased circulation throughout the body. The added benefit of increased collagen production following sessions of hyperbaric oxygenation further improves wound healing.

Hyperbaric oxygenation is very effective for non-healing wounds and diabetic foot ulcers due to these healing responses from the body. It has been proven to enhance healing outcomes and reduce risk of amputations resulting from complications of non-healing wounds. By introducing hyperbaric oxygenation to their treatment plan, people experience improved and accelerated wound healing with fewer complications.

The positive results of hyperbaric oxygenation have been well documented and it has become an increasingly popular treatment option for those suffering from skin complaints. Irish Life Health provide full cover at OxyGeneration to their policy holders suffering from non-healing wounds upon referral from a consultant. Wound healing with hyperbaric oxygenation allows people to get relief from their pain and discomfort while also increasing general health and wellbeing.

If you would like to find out more about hyperbaric oxygenation you can contact OxyGeneration on 091- 394444 or email [email protected] today!


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