Families forced to reassess health priorities amid ongoing financial fears

New research by Specsavers has revealed that 73% of people are concerned that they will struggle financially more than usual this January, with more than a third (34% ) saying they’re unsure if they can afford to prioritise their health and wellbeing amid the cost-of-living crisis.

The poll of 2,000 adults showed that looking after health and wellbeing is a key priority for more than three quarters of people in 2023, but one in ten (11% ) say it’s an impossible reality due to rising inflation.

In many cases, eye care is the first to go: one in ten (12% ) adults who wear contact lenses or glasses have said that they will cut back on eye care because of their worsening financial situation. What’s more, 18% of glasses wearers and a quarter (24% ) of contact lens wearers say they’ll put off changing their glasses or lenses – even if their prescription changed.

One in five (18% ) of glasses wearers also admitted that they would stick with their current glasses even if they broke - and only a fifth of the population (19% ) say that they intend to spend money on eye care, eye tests or eyewear this year at all.

"We know this is a difficult time for many but wearing the wrong prescription or broken lenses can impact your eyes, with symptoms including eye strain and headaches. More worryingly, it can also contribute to trips and falls, one of the biggest causes of hospital visits for older people.

"Avoiding visiting the opticians or putting off your regular eye test could also be detrimental to your health. Conditions, such as glaucoma or cataracts, can often be symptomless for years, so eye tests are the only way to detect them early to help avoid irreversible vision loss. We understand that a lot of people are financially stretched at this time, so we want to ensure people are aware of the support available to them, such as free eye tests with the Medical Card or with PRSI benefits," Specsavers Ireland chairman Kerril Hickey, commenting on the findings, said.


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