Long Covid-19 treatment options – a right to know!

Oxygenation is the Solution: Deaths from Covid-19 and Global Legal Insights for Medical Practice. An insider's Perspective' is a book from Galway based, solicitor Brian Lynch.

Described as a tool kit for medical professionals to understand the law that governs what must be disclosed to patients (right to know ). This Amazon Bestselling book gives clarity to doctors, lawyers, and patients regarding what must be disclosed to a patient (right to know ) about of all reasonable alternative and variant treatment options.

Extract from Chapter 2:

“An absolutely crucial issue is to understand at the outset that some of these professionals mistakenly think that if they recommend to a client what is standard of care in their clinical practice guidelines, and they practice to this standard, they are safe from being successfully sued. However, in this case, they are wrong because more information is required for a legitimate informed consent. Unfortunately, many current clinical practice guidelines could be used as verifying evidence to unseat or discredit a defence expert witness. This chapter will help these professionals to avoid unnecessary medico-legal problems.”

“Last week, one Dublin hospital consultant in the Beacon Hospital who has referred patient with Long Covid for hyperbaric oxygenation informed me that he sent the Amazon link to my book to his team," author Brian Lynch in a statement, said.

If you have any questions regarding hyperbaric oxygenation you can contact the OxyGeneration team on 091-394444 or visit www.oxygeneration.com


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