Immunosuppression drug or hyperbaric oxygenation?

‘One pharmaceutical company sold over $20 billion of an i mmunosuppression drug in 2021, so it is in popular demand and an interesting comparison with hyperbaric oxygenation.

As a dangerous opening point from the patient’s perspective, once the biological phenomena comparisons are explained by the doctor, any pharmaceutical TNF alpha immunosuppressants will be seen as commercial competitors and inferior. I said pharmaceutical, as hyperbaric oxygenation biological phenomena gets a better end result differently.

Accept this position for a moment and understand that the danger for the medical community is that lawyers will latch on to the scientific evidence to prove the comparisons between the biological phenomena, whereas the unnecessary focus on the numbers of humans in randomised controlled trials as evidence will unfortunately be a losing factor.

In any discussion with clients, it is just as well to know that growing numbers in the medical community recommend hyperbaric oxygenation as a superior option to pharma immunosuppression or steroids in treating injured tissue and inflammation. In addition, hyperbaric oxygenation has an antimicrobial effect. In contrast, all pharma immunosuppressants come with a warning that the medication can increase the risk of infection.

A further danger in medical practice is that if a medical professional prescribed these drugs as a TNF alpha immunosuppressant, a judge or jury could determine that there was an invalid informed consent.’

This is an extract from Amazon Best Seller book by Galway author, Brian Lynch, Solicitor called, ‘Oxygenation is the Solution, Deaths from Covid-19 and Global Legal Insights for Medical Practice. An Insider’s Perspective.’

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