Amazon best seller accolade for Brian Lynch’s book ‘Oxygenation is the Solution’

Extract from Chapter 1

Success with Hyperbaric Oxygenation for Covid-19: A Global Perspective

‘This story aims to start a conversation that will help the medical community. Dramatic and rapid recoveries of all critically ill patients with Covid-19 came about on 13 April 2020 in the small French city of Opelousas in Louisiana, US. A nurse who worked in a hospital was infected and became critically ill. This nurse, and others, made their recovery as a result of being given hyperbaric (high pressure ) oxygenation in a single-person pressure chamber. This account of events will surprise many, however it’s also likely to shock and cause anger because this treatment option was a lost opportunity, as is shown by the global Covid-19 death count of over six million by March 2022.

What is dangerous and, as I see it, problematic from the position of a lawyer defending the professionals treating Covid-19 hospitalised patients is that leaders in hyperbaric medicine in the US, South America, Europe and Asia knew about these dramatic recoveries. For this reason, taking reasonable care to know about this treatment option was not the problem. One will see that the problem was a lack of true understanding of the medical law on disclosure that led to the unfortunate events in this story.’

‘Oxygenation is the Solution’ is available on or at


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