Practical ways to look after your mental health

Everyone feels low at some point in their lives and if you are struggling to cope it may be difficult to see beyond your current situation.

Talking about how you are feeling can help put things into perspective and help you to feel more positive about the future.

Whatever you’re going through, the Athlone and Midland Samaritans are here with no judgement and no pressure to help you work through what’s on your mind. You are never alone.

Located at 3 Court Devenish, Athlone, you can call for free 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year, from any phone, on 116123.

There is no set time limit, you can take the time you need to talk things through and you can call us back if you need to.

If you find it too difficult to talk you can email [email protected] and a response will come in due course.

When you’re feeling low there are lots of things you can do to help yourself:

Make time for yourself, relax and do things you enjoy.

Eat healthily; get plenty of sleep and exercise.

Spend time with people you love.

Talk about your problems with people you trust.

Be proud of what you’re good at, as well as aware of what you struggle with.

Pay attention to what you’re feeling.

Try relaxation exercises and controlled breathing techniques.

If you find it difficult to express how you are feeling when talking to someone you can also access support via the Samaritans self-help app. The app will help you to:

Record your mood every day.

Look for patterns in how you’re feeling.

Make your personal safety plan.

Store images of things that give you hope.

For more information please visit


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