Why Don’t the Stretches I Do Help My Back Pain?

Like most health conditions, low back pain is a chronic problem, patients with low back pain typically tending to suffer off and on for years.

Back pain seems to come on when we overexert or do something out of the ordinary, such as moving boxes or when returning to a sport we have not tried since our high school days.

Most patients will say that stretching seems to prevent problems and injuries from the activities of daily living. Both the weekend warrior and the daily athlete will attest to the benefits of stretching prior to the activity.

But stretching is typically not a good treatment plan when the pain comes on. Why is that? Why is something so effective for preventing a problem and completely useless as a cure. Some patients are lucky however. Through trial and error, they may find that the stretching actually causes their back pain to get better. But over the years its effectiveness diminishes. Some patients will say that their normal pre-activity stretches actually make the pain get much worse.

Stretching is designed to lengthen muscles and tendons. But back problems typically affect the ligaments and the discs. And the problem here is that the ligaments are stretched out, allowing the bones to creep into abnormal positions. So while stretching may help a tight muscle, its effect on ligaments can be detrimental.

Another factor to consider is that the delicate nerves of the lower spine cross the disk areas. With stretching, those nerves can lengthen and become even more irritated.

If you find that your normal stretches seem to have no effect on your pain or even make the pain worse, then that is a sign the ligaments have been damaged. Stretching will not help in this scenario and you will need to consult a physiotherapist or doctor who will perform an examination of the ligaments and discs.

The adjustments that physiotherapist perform are designed to align the bones of the spine so that the ligaments do not remain stretched-out, producing pain. Over weeks,

the bones begin to hold their normal position for longer periods of time and gradually the ligaments begin to shorten.

Our clinic can also advise you on stretches that lengthen the muscles but do not cause further stretch to the already damaged ligaments of the lower spine. If you would like to discuss your back pain just email me your number. Email [email protected] to get our free book Secrets to a Healthy Spine or for more information about back Pilates and availing of a free trial. Visit everardpilates.com/backfreetrial


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