Six issues which could ruin your run that may surprise you

Failing to get better at running?

There are plenty of hidden pitfalls that you can fall into that can stall your running progress. Here are some things that could well be ruining your run.

Over-Focusing on Your Running Form

Technical adjustments on issues such as stride length and cadence can improve your running but overthinking it could actually have a negative impact.

Research by Stephen McGregor, PhD, identified that runners who were asked to make multiple form adjustments to their running actually ran slow. Even though these changes should have had a positive impact, the research found that the increased brain activity required to make the adjustments interfered with the runners’ unconscious efficiency. The takeaway here is to consider your running form but not to take it too far so that you are focusing on every single stride. Just focus on external things like keeping your head steady by focusing your gaze forward. Do exercises in Sports Pilates that will naturally improve your core and mobility and then let the changes occur naturally when running. Don’t force it.

Your Training Partner

Training with someone whose pace is not matched to you can have a detrimental impact on your running technique over time, regardless of whether they are slower or faster than you. While it may make be tempting to take that new runner out with you, or to try and push yourself with a pacey marathoner, don’t run with them consistently unless they are willing to adapt their running pace to suit you. The best place to find people to run with at the same ability level as yourself is your local running or triathalon club. Also know what type of run you are doing. If it is a recovery run, then you can run with anyone provided they are going easy. If it is a steady run well then you will need someone close to your level.

Running Too Frequently

Getting out for daily runs may make you feel as though you are getting good consistent training in, but it could actually be detrimental to your running and long-term health. Researchers at the University of Montana identified overtraining as the main cause of running injuries. Training every day does not give the body sufficient time to recover and adapt to the training load it is being placed under thus increasing the potential for injury. Schedule a training block with one easy week every 4 where you run at about 70% a normal week and try have one rest day in your week each week.

Doing the Same Runs

Completing the same running sessions week after week will negatively impact on your progress, and likely lead to your performances stalling. Instead of having a training regime with little variety, try mixing it up with different sessions - speed, fartlek, interval, hill work etc - all aimed at employing different running training techniques and allowing you to introduce some variety to avoid running boredom setting in.

Static Stretching

You may think that going through a routine of pre-run stretches is the right thing to do, but research suggests the exact opposite may be the case. Researchers at the University of Zagreb found that performing prolonged static stretches before exercise actually reduces muscle strength by as much as FIVE per cent. Much of the advice now focuses on carrying out a series of dynamic exercises in order to mobilise the main joints and muscles required for the running activity you are about to carry out in your running session.

Running Without A Goal

Running for running’s sake can of course be enjoyable but the occasional impromptu run isn’t going to do much for your running progress. Without a running goal to target such as an event on the horizon or aiming to beat a personal best, your runs will lack proper drive and motivation, meaning you won’t be pushing yourself as hard as you could do. Whatever your target, just having one will make your runs more purposeful.


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