Majority of public are more eco conscious than prior to Covid-19

As a nation, we’re often inclined to rate ourselves in different aspects of life but since the arrival of Covid-19, the public’s recycling habits have come into spotlight.

The Irish public are drumming up some new habits with 64 percent of people saying they are more eco conscious now than before the pandemic and 89 percent confident that their recycling habits are good. That’s according to new research by leading environmental organisation, Repak.

The research of over 850 adults examined the public’s attitudes towards eco-conscious behaviour after it was recently announced that all plastic packaging waste can now go into the recycling bin.

Currently in Ireland, we are exceeding the EU plastic recycling targets of 22.5 percent. However, achieving the ambitious targets for plastics recycling of 50 percent by 2025 and 55 percent by 2030, under the Circular Economy and EU Legislation, will require a concentrated effort by all stakeholders. Putting all plastics in the recycling bin is a step towards making this target achievable.

Repak created its Team Green initiative in 2018 to support Ireland in achieving future packaging recycling targets set by the EU. To date, over 22,000 individuals have joined Repak Team Green and as a result of their collective efforts to recycle more and better, recycled plastic packaging tonnes increased by 9% between the start of 2019 and the end of 2020.

By joining Repak Team Green, not only will you be pledging to recycle more and better, you can also get handy tips on how to do so. It takes just two minutes to join Repak Team Green at

Plastic can make the difference to Ireland’s recycling rates

All plastics now being accepted into the recycling bin marks a positive and significant step in Ireland’s journey to reaching its future recycling targets. In addition to placing rigid (hard ) plastics in the recycling bin, the Irish public can now place all soft plastic packaging waste, such as bread wrappers, plastic carrier bags and frozen food bags in the recycling bin once they are clean, dry and loose.

According to the Repak research, 91 percent understand what clean, dry and loose means in terms of recycling best practice, which is very helpful in increasing the amount recycled and preventing contamination. In addition, 83 percent are confident they know what items can or can’t go into the recycling bin.

Understanding what can and can’t be recycled is crucial in continuing to increase Ireland’s recycling rates. According to research, 89 percent are confident that their recycling habits are good, but one in 10 are still not confident.

For more information on Repak Team Green, visit


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