REGARI Recovery College returns with free mental health and wellbeing courses

REGARI Recovery College have recently launched their upcoming Autumn/Winter 2021 prospectus with details of their range of free educational courses and workshops which are all designed to promote mental health, wellbeing and recovery in these unprecedented times.

REGARI (Roscommon and East Galway Advancing Recovery in Ireland ) Recovery College is a community based initiative that aims to understand mental health through education, collaboration, and conversation. A defining feature of REGARI is the approach it takes when developing and delivering modules.

Each module is co-produced and delivered by people with lived experience of mental health challenges, family members, carers, people working in mental health, and others.

The College continues to expand their curriculum and this term new courses include Adjusting To Our New Normal, Negotiating Boundaries and Relationships, Transgenerational Trauma and Emotional Regulation to name but a few.

Courses are open to all - those who use services, staff, carers and members of the general public with an interest in Mental Health.

There is a registration fee of just €5 and then all courses are free to attend. Registration for the courses is essential and anyone who would like to register or find out more information are welcome to come along to the registration day taking place in The Family Centre, Brackernagh, Ballinasloe on Thursday September 16, from 2-4pm.

For further information please contact Amanda Hunt on 0861304869 or email [email protected].

Please see timetable for further information on courses available.


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