Creating a regular skin care routine to enhance your daily well-being

‘Self Care’, two small words that have a sizeable meaning, crucial words, when it comes to your health and wellbeing.

‘Skin Care’, another two words that equally are necessary and they are dependent on your self care. It is very important to know that your skin is the largest organ in your body, yes that’s right, it’s an organ! Just like your brain and your heart, it depends on nutrition, minimal stress, good sleep pattern and exercise to function properly.

You will notice when your life is off balance, that your skin will be more likely to act up in some way by producing a rash, spots or rosacea. Don’t worry though, a few alterations will get you where you need to be with regard to your skin and general health.

First and foremost, set a good skincare routine. Your morning routine should include cleansing your skin, a toner to close your pores, a multivitamin serum to feed your skin with essential nutrients and a moisturiser.

Then you are all set and it will have taken you less than five minutes to prepare your skin for the day ahead. Your nightly routine should consist of a double cleanse, thereafter tone your skin, apply your nightly treatment, for example, a multivitamin serum or a multivitamin cream and as you sleep, your skin will have an opportunity to effortlessly absorb all the nutrients you fed it and it will heal and repair.

Let me assure you that once you commence your routine you will not look back! Next up is to add some hydration, start drinking water, whether you are sitting at your desk all day or out and about, create a new habit of bringing water with you.

Ensure you are eating fruit and plenty of vegetables as these contain essential fatty acids that your skin requires for a healthy glow.

Lastly, commence some exercise, walking is a great way to start. It promotes health, it encourages positive mental health, it assists with lymphatic drainage and increases blood flow. This is your recipe to follow for a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy skin.

Remember it is down to you to create new habits and start breathing deeply and feeling good.

For any advice on a skincare issue you may have, Steph can be contacted at [email protected] or on 0871328323.


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