Healthy Westmeath announce Community Mental Health Scheme

Healthy Westmeath has announced details of its targeted Community Mental Health Fund Small Grants Scheme as part of the Round 3 Strand 1 of the Healthy Ireland Programme.

The scheme aims to support local community, voluntary and sporting organisations to deliver small scale projects supporting mental health within their Communities. The total fund available under the small grants scheme will be €30,000.

The Scheme offers small grants for projects with a minimum spend of €2,000 up to a maximum of €5,000 (subject to a sufficient number of quality applications being received ). The themes that applicants can apply under are as follows:

· Dementia Training and Awareness

o To provide an overview of dementia, risk factors and triggers for responsive behaviour

· Youth Crisis intervention

o Formal/Non Formal Counselling & Support Services, referrals etc

· Community Transport Initiative

o Supplementing and enhancing existing services to maximize capacity on routes

o Adding value to that service (music, chat, information ).

· Christmas Care Packs

o For families/individuals who might be isolated, vulnerable and socially excluded

· Social Farming

o Social Support Services to give vulnerable people’s experience on a family farm

· LGBTI+ Support Initiative

o Support services for LGBTI+ Community

Applications will be evaluated by the Westmeath LCDC Healthy Ireland Sub Committee to ensure eligibility along the following assessment criteria:

1. Organisational expertise

2. Experience

3. Approach

4. Content

5. Methodology

6. Projected outcomes

7. Costings

8. Quality of action and capacity to deliver outputs

9. Value for money

Applications will be accepted from community, voluntary and sporting organisations. Applicants must be members of the Westmeath Public Participation Network; or undertake to join the Westmeath Public Participation Network if their application is successful.

Applications should be made electronically; and should be submitted by email to be received no later than 5pm on Friday, November 27. Please read the criteria and guidelines for the grant scheme carefully before making an application.

Application forms can be requested by emailing [email protected].

Alternatively, application forms can be downloaded directly from the Healthy Westmeath webpage

It is a condition of the grant scheme that any promotion / publicity related to the activity approved for funding should positively acknowledge the support received from Healthy Westmeath.


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