Public urged to afford due consideration for members of the elderly community

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Friends of the Elderly is calling on the support of the public to stop and think about an older family member, friend or neighbour and help alleviate the fear they are facing during this difficult time.

Friends of the Elderly is urging people to make a phone call and check in on the elderly. This call of reassurance will help ease the fear that older people are feeling, but more importantly, by checking in over the phone, a friendly voice will be very reassuring. Friends of the Elderly is advising that if an older person is concerned about symptoms they are experiencing, they should be advised to call their local GP or to contact the HSE.

“We have increased our friendly call service and what we are hearing on the phone is how scared some of our members are. Bulk buying is causing added stress. It is important to remember that older people do not have the strength, mobility or indeed the finances to bulk buy, so we would encourage people to be mindful shoppers at this time. We know that some stores have introduced limits on the quantities of products that can be bought, which is to be welcomed.

“Most older people do not have access to the internet, so we are asking people that if they can telephone an older family member, friend or neighbour and reassure them, it will go a long way in alleviating their concerns. We also ask that people inform them of the HSE’s advice on regular handwashing”, Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Friends of the Elderly is calling on the support of the public to stop and think about an older family member, friend or neighbour and help alleviate the fear they are facing during this difficult time,” Deborah Costello, Communications Manager at Friends of the Elderly, said.


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