Disability and older persons services and information event

Westmeath Community Development will host its annual FREE Disability/Older Persons Services and Information event in The Mullingar Park Hotel on Monday, December 2, from 11am to 2.30pm.

The event is open to members of the public who wish to find out lots of information which may help peoples circumstances/issues all under the one roof.

The date was chosen as it coincides with EU Day for disability. It is being organised and funded by Westmeath Community Development, Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP ) in conjunction with Independent People with Disabilities and Westmeath County Council.

This event has been hugely successful in previous years, bringing together service providers and service users. In 2018, over 230 people attended and 40 service providers took part. Due to popular demand all information stands are now full.

Special Guest speakers this year include Donal Murphy from the Alzheimer’s Society Ireland. Finola Colgan Mental Health Ireland and Maureen McCormack from Westmeath Age friendly Strategy. Junior Minister Kevin Boxer Moran will also be in attendance and Olive Kennedy will be showing us all how to keep fit safely, which is being kindly facilitated through Westmeath Sports Partnership.

If you would like further information contact Linda Jo Quinn or Brendan Campbell on 044 93 48571 or email [email protected]. Put the date in your diary and pop along to have a cup of tea/coffee and a chat and find out about HOW the different agencies may be able to help you.


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