Tuar Ard to host Culture Night programme of events

Tuar Ard Arts Centre will host an exciting programme of events to celebrate Culture Night tomorrow, Friday, September 20.

During the day, Tuar Ard will host an official launch of their new collaborative project with the Making Hay Reminiscence Theatre Company. The launch, kindly supported by Westmeath County Council Arts Office, will introduce the project and the topic of Reminiscence Theatre itself, which celebrates the memories of older people. The Tuar Ard project will be an inter-generational work between a group of Transition Year students and older members of the community, who will work together to create a film recording and theatrical performance that explores life in Moate in the past and the present.

The launch event will take place from 11.30am to 12.30pm, when there will be a short talk on the upcoming project, and the performance of a piece of reminiscence theatre by Making Hay Theatre titled ‘A Play with ME in it’. This play was co-created in St James’ Hospital by in-patients, out-patients, and care giving staff, and weaves together individual stories and narratives in a short, highly engaging production. All are welcome to the launch, which promises to inspire, entertain, and provide information to anyone interested in taking part over a cup of tea and a biscuit!

Later that evening, from 4pm to 8pm, the Bob Traynor Gallery at Tuar Ard will stage an exhibition resulting from an outreach programme in conjunction with local visual artist Dominique Foley and six local primary schools. Dominique visited a class in six schools to lead the children in the creation of cardboard Totem Poles, to be used to welcome people to their school, and commemorate their community and heritage. The Totem Poles created by the six schools will be on public display in Tuar Ard on Culture Night. At 6pm, the exhibition will have an official launch, when the project and its participants will be introduced and discussed by Dominique. The exhibition can be viewed from 4pm to 8pm during Culture Night.

There will also be totem poles on display, while the works of local schools with help of artist, Dominique Foley, will feature. Moate Library has a real treat in store this Culture Night with local portrait artist, Colm Noonan, exhibiting some of his amazing pieces. The exhibition will be accompanied by the multi-talented, multi instrumentalists Andy Yau and Niall Mannion and Moate Museum has late opening.

All events are free and open to all. Further information can be found on their website, tuarard.ie, or by contacting them on 09064 82042.


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