Search Results for 'Tribes of Galway'
7 results found.
Unbeaten Tribesmen now face the champs
The Galway Tribesmen Rugby League team face the biggest challenge of the year so far when they host the current All Ireland champions, Longhorns RL at NUIG Dangan on Saturday (2pm).
Long dead English king to finally make royal visit to Galway

He died at the Battle of Bosworth Field in August 1485 and his mortal remains were found under a carpark in Leicester in 2012. In between, he became one of the most demonised of all English monarchs - but this month, he visits Galway.
Public lecture on Galway’s Lynch Tribe
Every Galwegian knows Lynch’s Castle and the story of Mayor Lynch who hanged his own son, but what is the real story behind the Lynch family in Galway?
Public lecture on the Tribes of Galway
Galway’s golden age was during the mediaeval period when 14 merchant families turned it into an international trading hub, but who were they?
Lecture on Galway’s tribal families
GALWAY IS known as The City of The Tribes, but who were these 14 families? What did they do? Why are their names still remembered today?
Month's Mind Mass for John ffrench
There will be a special Month's Mind Mass for John ffrench in the Augustinian Church on this Saturday at 6.30pm.