Search Results for 'Statistics'

25 results found.

Can we really rely on polls?

The recent UK General Election on May 7 has left many political commentators, TV, radio and written pundits scratching their heads and pondering.   What will it mean for Fine Gael? – Can Enda Kenny emulate David Cameron’s triumph? What will it mean for the Labour Party? – will the Liberal Democrats demise as the smaller Party in the UK mean an equal fate awaits Joan Burton and her Labour Party?

Can we really rely on polls?

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The recent UK General Election on May 7 has left many political commentators, TV, radio and written pundits scratching their heads and pondering. What will it mean for Fine Gael? – Can Enda Kenny emulate David Cameron’s triumph? What will it mean for the Labour Party? – will the Liberal Democrats demise as the smaller Party in the UK mean an equal fate awaits Joan Burton and her Labour Party?

Reading the Runes: Local elections

Local Elections, like those coming up on May 23, are curious creatures. While they are undoubtedly local in the way that even a cursory glance at the different candidates election literature will immediately confirm – active in community initiatives, members of community councils, chairs of things like the Tidy Towns Committee, and, at least in the country, the GAA - local elections also have traditionally been seen, and used by voters, as a way of robustly telling the mainstream parties how they are seen from the groundlings point of view, and so providing either comfort or a harsh wake-up call, a two-fingered salute which is anything but comforting.

Development Plan extends boundary of area at risk of flooding

The floods that ravaged Athlone in 2009 were considered a “once in a lifetime” event but Westmeath County Council have marked an area extending beyond the boundary of this flood in their maps detailing areas at risk of flooding in the Athlone Town Development Plan.

Vacant barracks and hospital a priority in Mullingar plan

The public consultation process on the next Mullingar Local Area Plan for 2014-2020 is to commence this month.

College study shows older people are feeling the pinch of recession, despite the myths

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A new report suggests that many older people are experiencing real hardship during Ireland’s recession, but that this remains largely hidden from public view. This suggests caution is necessary when interpreting official statistics, which show deprivation and poverty rates for pensioner households to be at an all-time low.

Immunotec — delivering health and wealth the world over

Delivering natural health benefits and generating wealth opportunity for ordinary people worldwide, Immunotec is now open for business in Ireland.

Post your Census free of charge to the CSO

Census enumerators are currently completing their visits to households nationwide to collect completed Census forms. If your Census form has not been collected, you should post it back free of charge to the CSO.

Confidence and motivation workshops for interview preparation

Roisin Ni Chleirigh and Dermot Reid are offering a unique and fantastic course in Confidence, Motivation, Interview Skills and Aptitude Test workshop in Branchville House, Dunbell in Kilkenny on May 7 and 8, and on May 21 and 22.

Census enumerators in Mayo will call shortly to collect forms

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) says thank you to the people of Mayo who participated in the census last Sunday.


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