Search Results for 'Sanitation'
103 results found.
Enjoy free yoga by the shore in Galway with Think Before You Flush

The Think Before You Flush campaign has partnered with the Galway Atlantaquaria and Sinéad Mc Kiernan of Move & Breathe to deliver a family friendly yoga session followed by a beach clean. A presentation on water quality and how our activities in our bathrooms and kitchens can impact Irelands marine environment will play after the clean. The next free events take place at Ladies Beach in Salthill on June, 15 at 10am followed by Grattan Beach (Salthill) on June, 22 at 10am. All are welcome to join!
Anti-litter Ambassadors support the campaign for cleaner communities at Oranmore launch

Galway County Council has announced details of a new environmental initiative aimed at fostering public involvement in the fight against litter. Launched in Oranmore, the Galway County Council Anti-Litter Ambassador Programme presents a pro-active and non-confrontational way for individuals, groups, communities and businesses to declare their support for a litter-free county.
Donohue raises septic tank concern at Council

Independent Councillor Geraldine Donohue has raised the issue with Galway County Council of the Septic Grant and the issue that only domestic homeowners will be considered if (a) they are inspected by the council or (b) live in a particular area and are notified by the council.
Athlone Tidy Towns announce Good Friday annual litter pick and clean-up
On this forthcoming Good Friday, Athlone Tidy Towns representatives are asking householders, families and individuals to assist with their annual litter pick and clean-up of the town.
Utah cowboy walks The Line picking litter

There’s a new sheriff in town, and he’s unhappy with Galway’s terrible trash issue.
Grand in the hand at Toilet Duck Awards

The 2024 Toilet Duck Awards, TedFest’s annual stand-up comedy competition, will award 1,000 Euros of cash, and gig bookings around Ireland, to a ‘craicing’ new comic on Wednesday, March 6.
Absence of toilet facilities at playing pitches a growing concern - Cllr Mike Cubbard

Cllr Mike Cubbard has called for action on the urgent need for toilet facilities at playing pitches around Galway. He believes that the lack of adequate facilities poses significant challenges for the comfort and well-being of young people.
Hogan criticises County Westmeath’s recent omission on septic tank grant scheme
Independent Councillor Paul Hogan has criticised the Department of Housing’s apparent omission of County Westmeath in the new septic tank grant scheme.
Westmeath communities benefit from highest ever level of investment in modern wastewater infrastructure
The recently published EPA Urban Wastewater Treatment Report shows the progress being made in tackling long-running issues like raw sewage discharges, while also underlining the need for continued investment in essential wastewater services at local community level.