Search Results for 'Oat'
9 results found.
Banana and oat breakfast muffins

Recently I have had to reprimand my children for their overuse of the ‘N’ word. It is something that I, like many others, find deeply offensive. I have, I think, brought them up well and feel aggrieved that this is how they repay me. Such outrageous behaviour goes against everything that I believe to be right. It started off innocently enough with the five year old slipping the odd ‘N’ word into a sentence. I may have turned a blind eye, anything for a quiet life. Then all of a sudden it escalated into using it everywhere, at every possible opportunity, to my complete mortification. Out loud and in front of other people.
Harvesting exhibition in Lecarrow
The committee of St John’s Community Centre Lecarrow are reminding patrons that their first ever harvesting exhibition takes place this Saturday September 20 from 1pm.
Coeliac Society western branch to hold Christmas lunch next week
The western branch of the Coeliac Society of Ireland will hold its annual Christmas lunch on Sunday December 8 at 12.30pm in The Twelve Hotel, Barna.
High fibre breakfast bread from Hanna’s Secret
With September looming, like young people I am torn between relief that routine will be restored and dread at the thought of back to school. Everywhere I turn there are books and schoolbags, reminding me I have much to do to ensure all is ready for day one.
Flahavan’s challenges Mayo to create oaty delicious recipes
Flahavan’s, Ireland’s favourite porridge, has launched a competition offering people in Mayo an opportunity to demonstrate flair, imagination, and innovation using oats as an ingredient. There are two top prizes of €1,500 for the winning entries.
Bigger grain crop but lower profits
Teagasc reckons that the Irish winter cereal yield will be the largest on record but profits will be far lower then last year, mainly because of increased fertilizer and fuel costs.
Tasty treats
Delicious home made brown bread from Mary’s Home Bakery Ballyhaunis Road, Claremorris (086 725 2525)
€1,500 up for grabs in porridge challenge

The closing date, January 31, for the Flahavan’s All Ireland Porridge Making Challenge is fast approaching.