Search Results for 'James Hope'
17 results found.
As you were for the Greens?

On Monday The Green Party unveiled its election team for the 2009 local elections - the first political party in Galway to do so. However the party look unlikely to make any increase on the one seat it secured in 2004.
Green Party candidate slams budget fees proposal
The increase of registration fees is a “cynical cash-grab” attempt which will hurt Galway, a city whose economy is largely dependent on the student population, according to local election Green Party candidate, James Hope.
Hope ‘disgusted’ by councillors going to Cheltenham
Bringing forward the March meeting of the Galway City Council by a week to let city councillors attend the Cheltenham Festival is “disgusting” at a time of economic crisis.
Don’t serve cheap booze during rag week - presidents’ call
The presidents of the GMIT and NUIG have come together to hit out at special offers on alcohol as well as extended drinking hours during rag week.
Taxi regulatory staff must be based in Galway says Ó Brolcháin
Transport Minister Noel Dempsey must base some of the taxi regulatory staff in the Galway region rather than basing them all in Dublin.
Who is running in Galway city in 2009?
Once the Christmas and New Year festivities are over and Ireland settles down to the winter of discontent of the recession, local politicians will hit the campaign trail in earnest for June’s Local Elections.
The woes of a first time candidate
A FIRST time candidate in any election has a lot of growing up to do. You have to be a quick learner and have some street smarts. However one thing is that people can’t blame you for wrong decisions in the past. This is to your main advantage.
Is Rev Towers to stand in the city?
Speculation is mounting as to the political intentions of Rev Patrick Towers, the former rector of St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church, whether or not he will run in June’s Local Elections - and speculation is intensifying that he may stand for election to the Galway City Council.
Camera-happy Hope challenges Mayor to ‘practice what he preaches’
If Mayor Padraig Conneely really believes in the idea of ‘open government’ then he should allow city council meetings be recorded for broadcast on YouTube.
Jobs can be created in Galway with tax breaks for green sector, says Hope
If the Government has any interest in creating jobs in Ireland - and in Galway - then it must eliminate corporate taxes on the green technology and energy sector.