Search Results for 'Irish Centre for Social Gerontology'

9 results found.

New short courses at NUI Galway for people over 55

NUI Galway’s Irish Centre for Social Gerontology (ICSG) is recruiting participants aged 55 or over who are living in Galway city and county to participate in a free, short course. The new programme, Touchstone, aims to develop the skills and knowledge of people who wish to play a part in helping to make their communities more age friendly.

College study shows older people are feeling the pinch of recession, despite the myths

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A new report suggests that many older people are experiencing real hardship during Ireland’s recession, but that this remains largely hidden from public view. This suggests caution is necessary when interpreting official statistics, which show deprivation and poverty rates for pensioner households to be at an all-time low.

Researchers from across Europe to attend gender and employment conference at NUI, Galway

Leading researchers from across Europe will discuss findings from the latest research into aspects of gender and employment at a conference in NUI Galway today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) Sept 6 and 7.

Enjoy a film at lunchtime

JACK NICHOLSON, Peter O’Toole, Sissy Spacek, and Phillip Seymore-Hoffman will all star in a series of movies to be screened in NUI Galway as part of the Bealtaine Festival.

New directory of services for older people launched

A new directory of services for older people has been launched in the city to mark Positive Ageing Week which runs until Saturday.

NUIG professor to reveal groundbreaking research on ageing

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A leading local university professor, who has conducted groundbreaking research on ageing, will share his findings with the public at a seminar to be held in the city later this month.

Securing future of university and graduates is vital, says NUI Galway

Irish universities have a pivotal role to play in shaping a knowledge society and smart economy that can confidently face the challenges that lie ahead, according to NUI Galway which has recently launched its Strategic Plan 2009 to 2014.

Scholars to conduct research on chronic pain at NUIG

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Leading researchers in pain medicine and health economics at the Centre for Pain Research, NUI Galway, are to supervise two Health Research Board-funded summer scholars in projects on chronic pain.

Economist becomes new head of JCI Galway

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Appropriately enough, the new president for Junior Chamber International (JCI) Galway is Brenda Gannon, an economist working at NUI Galway.


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