Search Results for 'European Green Party'
11 results found.
New chair O’Reilly aiming for doubling of Green Party reps in next elections
Chair of the Green Party Pauline O’Reilly is aiming to double their numbers of elected representatives. Adressing members of the all-island Green Party on her first day as chair of the Party, O’Reilly outlined her intentions.
Local Green Party Councillor reflects on Climate Action Plan 2021
Local Green Party Councillor, Louise Heavin, this week spoke to the Athlone Advertiser and reflected in detail upon the recent publication, by Government, of the Climate Action Plan 2021.
O'Reilly sets out priorities for Election 2020 campaign

Climate action, environmental protection, providing world class sustainable public transport, and supporting increased cycling infrastructure in the city will be the chief campaign points for the Green Party's Pauline O'Reilly, at Election 2020.
Greens call for commissions in towns where refugee accommodation planned

Commissions representing cross-sectoral interests need to be established in all towns where new refugee accommodation is envisaged, so as to ensure local concerns are addressed and asylum seekers can be accommodated.
Greens urge parents to vote for new secondary school to be run by Educate Together

This week marks the "last chance" to bring "diversity to education for teenagers" in the city and Oranmore area, with the deadline looming for the Department of Education's online survey regarding Galway's new secondary school.
The Greens are coming west to talk farming and agriculture
Green Party leader Eamon Ryan will be among the speakers at an event to debate the future of family farming in the West.
Greens will spend three times more on public transport over roads
The Green Party will spend three times more on public transport than roads – more than any other political party, John Carey, Green Party candidate for Mayo told a hustings event on sustainable transport in GMIT during the week.
Malcolm questions Greens in government during turbulent times
Green Party councillor Malcolm Noonan has said that he believes that it is time for the party to reconsider its continuing participation in Government and he adds that he is taking time to reflect on his continued involvement in the party over coming weeks.
Greens are the fag butt that FF will inhale and discard

The Green Party has been in the news all week. Their sole city councillors in Dublin and Cork have resigned. The party leadership has dismissed the resignations of Bronwen Maher and Chris O’Leary as merely due to “personal and local constituency” reasons.
Greens are the fag butt that FF will inhale and discard

The Green Party has been in the news all week. Their sole city councillors in Dublin and Cork have resigned. The party leadership has dismissed the resignations of Bronwen Maher and Chris O’Leary as merely due to “personal and local constituency” reasons.