Search Results for 'Environment Spokesman'

26 results found.

Single Farm Payment delays unacceptable says Hogan

Deputy Phil Hogan has described Government delays in paying farmers as ‘totally unacceptable’.

Secondary school spaces to become a problem in Kilkenny says Hogan

Deputy Phil Hogan has called on the Department of Education to plan for the shortage of second level school places which will occur in Kilkenny city next year.

Politicians and the political system must share major pain says Hogan

Politicians and the political system must take a major share of the pain in solving the current economic crisis, according to Deputy Phil Hogan.

FF has been a disaster for Carlow-Kilkenny, Hogan proclaims

Deputy Phil Hogan has declared that successive Fianna Fail Governments have been an economic disaster for Carlow/Kilkenny as the constituency’s unemployment rates jump to a record high.

Water investment cut will cost taxpayer in fines and leakage says Hogan

The €750 million cut in the water investment programme announced earlier this week by John Gormley and the Government could end up costing the taxpayer a fortune in fines and leakage according to Fine Gael Environment Spokesman, Phil Hogan.

Hogan wants Govrenment to adopt FG policy on broadband

Deputy Phil Hogan has called on the Government to immediately adopt Fine Gael’s policy on broadband as new OECD figures reveal that Ireland is now bottom of the league in Europe in broadband speeds.

FG will fight for the family farm says Hogan

The renegotiation of the Common Agriculture Policy and the protection of the family farm are the topics for a Fine Gael public meeting at the Lord Bagenal at Leighlinbrige on Thursday, May 13, at 8pm.

Political reform is not an optional extra, it is an absolute necessity — Hogan

Fine Gael environment spokesman Phil Hogan told the Fine Gael National Conference in Killarney that, after 13 years of Fianna Fáil government where the privileged friends of Government ministers were preferred over the citizens of the State, political reform will be an absolute necessity for a Fine Gael government.

Local TDs clash over Fine Gael water proposals

Disappointment has been expressed at Fianna Fáil and the Greens’ decision to vote against the Fine Gael Dáil motion this week which would have restored roads and radically shaken-up the water services in Mayo. However the Fine Gael proposal in turn has been dubbed “hypocritical” and labelled as another political stunt by Mayo Fianna Fáil TD Beverley Flynn.

Local TDs clash over Fine Gael water proposals

Disappointment has been expressed at Fianna Fáil and the Greens’ decision to vote against the Fine Gael Dáil motion this week which would have restored roads and radically shaken-up the water services in Mayo. However the Fine Gael proposal in turn has been dubbed “hypocritical” and labelled as another political stunt by Mayo Fianna Fáil TD Beverley Flynn.


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