Politicians and the political system must take a major share of the pain in solving the current economic crisis, according to Deputy Phil Hogan.
The Fine Gael Environment Spokesman speaking to a Fine Gael meeting in Kilkenny on Monday night said that political failure lay at the heart of Ireland's economic collapse.
Declaring that the current political system does not work, Deputy Hogan said that real tangible change is now needed.
"We cannot expect people to take pain unless politicians and the political system are prepared to suffer real pain also," he said.
Deputy Hogan was speaking about his Party's New Politics document which he said would build a new republic and radically overhaul the entire political system.
"Fine Gael wants to build a 'New Republic' where a smaller, more nimble government is held to account, trust is restored in our democratic institutions and the concerns of the Citizen, rather than the elites are placed firmly at the centre of government," he said.
Deputy Hogan's proposals would result in a single Chamber Oireachtas, a reduction in the number of TDs by 20. He promised a a referendum on the abolition of the Seanad, a more strengthened Dáil committee system to hold the Government to account, a shift in power from the Cabinet to the Dáiland reform of the legislative process to give TDs real influence over the drafting of legislation