FG will fight for the family farm says Hogan

The renegotiation of the Common Agriculture Policy and the protection of the family farm are the topics for a Fine Gael public meeting at the Lord Bagenal at Leighlinbrige on Thursday, May 13, at 8pm.

Fine Gael representatives, Environment Spokesman Deputy Phil Hogan, Agriculture Spokesman Deputy Michael Creed, deputy agriculture spokesperson Andrew Doyle and Mairead McGuinness MEP, will meet members of the agrifood sector from Carlow/Kilkenny. Special guest will be economist, Jim Power of Friends First.

This is the fourth of a series of meetings with the farming community around the country. The discussion and concerns voiced by the farming community in the area will be fed into Fine Gael’s approach to negotiations in Europe. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.

“We are delighted that Jim Power, chief economist with Friends First is available to address the meeting. We are holding these public meetings to ensure we are fully aware of farmers’ priorities and concerns,” said Deputy Hogan.

“It is vital that we support the agrifood sector which is a major contributor to our economy. The agrifood sector supports over 200,000 jobs in rural Ireland and contributed over 7bn in exports in 2009. Irish agrifood receives €1.3bn annually from the CAP to keep prices affordable for the consumer.

“Fine Gael believes Ireland will need to take a tough approach to negotiations to make sure resources are targeted at active producers and that the Family Farm remains protected. Anyone interested in meeting the Fine Gael team and giving us feedback are welcome to attend our meeting.

“The new CAP will shape the future of rural Ireland. These meetings will help the Fine Gael Dáil and European Parliament teams form a coherent and robust defence of the CAP and the family farm structure.”


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