Search Results for 'Connaught Rangers Association'
5 results found.
Historian tackles Rangers behaving badly

Military historian Dr Pádraig Lenihan will give a talk next week on the 1812 sack of Badajoz, when an Anglo-Portugese army, spearheaded by Galway’s Connaught Rangers, went on a three-day rampage in Spain.
1 Cn Cois host an open day in the Renmore Barracks

1 Cn Cois are hosting an open day in the Renmore Barracks on Saturday, June 22. The Barracks will be opened to the public from 1pm to 4pm, and there will be a full schedule of events for people of all ages. The day will consist of various interactive displays exhibiting their capabilities and offering the public an opportunity to gain an insight to Galway’s Infantry Battalion.
Four weddings and a mutiny – India 1920

On 28 June 1920, members of the Connaught Rangers Regiment stationed at Wellington Barracks, Jullundur in Punjab, mutinied in protest against the activities of the British Army in Ireland. The irony of their stance as members of a colonial occupying army was, it would seem, lost on them. Two men took the protest to the Connaught Rangers company at Solon Barracks the next day. On the evening of 1 July, a group armed with bayonets attempted to take weapons from the magazine fort at Solon. The guard opened fire, killing a mutineer and an innocent man. The protest started peacefully at both locations—orders were ignored, tricolours were flown, Sinn Féin rosettes were worn, and rebel songs were sung. Sixty-one men were convicted of mutiny. Fourteen were sentenced to death, but only one, James Joseph Daly, was executed. Those imprisoned were released in 1923. Ballina man James J. Devers, one of the Solon mutineers, was among those released. Devers enlisted in 1918.
Talk on disbandment of Connaught Rangers
‘Commemorating the armistice, reflecting on disbandment, and looking to the future’ a short talk by Dr Tony King, Connaught Rangers Association Liaison Officer, will be given at Menlo Park Hotel this Sunday November 13 at 4.30pm.