Search Results for 'Arts Millennium Building'
28 results found.
Córus Galway seeks new voices

THE CÓRUS Galway choir starts its new term on Thursday February 26 at 7.30pm in NUI Galway’s Arts Millennium Building, in room AM107.
Public lecture on Islam and democracy
Islam, Secularism, and Democracy is the title of a public lecture which will be given in NUI Galway on Monday February 17.
NUIG school of humanities to host public famine talks
NUI Galway’s School of Humanities is hosting two public events this weekend on the topic of famine, and on the Great Irish Famine in particular.
US entrepreneur and innovator, Sonal Shah in Galway this morning

NUI Galway’s Community Knowledge Initiative will host US entrepreneur and innovator, Sonal Shah for a keynote address this moprning Thursday, 3 October.
The Gaelic chief and his Oxford friend
Ruaidhri Ó Flaithbheartaigh was a Gaelic Irish chief from Galway and a man of letters who corresponded with a wide circle of friends on a variety of issues.
New exhibitions to open

FOUR NEW exhibitions open in Galway over the coming days, ranging from traditional landscapes and still lifes to conceptual arts installation pieces.
Change of China at NUIG

THE GALWAY Irish Chinese Society will launch the Change of China photo exhibition in the atrium of NUIG’s Arts Millennium Building at 3pm tomorrow. It will be opened by the newly appointed Ambassador of China, the Mayor of Galway, and the university president, and will run until November 24.
Stress among health professionals to be discussed at NUI Galway conference next week
Stress among health professionals is one of the subjects which will be addressed at the eighth annual psychology, health and medicine conference which will take place at the Arts Millennium Building, NUI Galway on Monday.
NUI Galway to host mature student drop in day
NUI Galway will host a drop-in-day for mature students on Thursday January 27 in AM205, the Arts Millennium Building in the university. The event is open to anyone who would like information on the mature student application process from 10am until 4pm.
Conditional approval given for Arts Millennium Building extension at NUI Galway
NUI Galway has received conditional approval from Galway City Council to build an extension to the Arts Millennium Building.