Search Results for 'Anne Gregory'

6 results found.

Lots to do and see at Coole in August

Guided heritage walks and fun art and heritage activities for children are among the free events taking place in Coole this August.

The Coole door knocker will rat-a-tat-tat once again

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How many famous people lifted that heavy brass knocker on the door of Lady Augusta Gregory’s home at Coole, Co Galway, and gave it a resounding rat- a -tat -tat? It resounded again last weekend with all the authority of a grumpy judge’s gavel. The writer and broadcaster John Quinn, chairman of the 19th Autumn Gathering, used it to great effect to keep speakers to their time, and to summon people to the next event.

Lady Gregory Autumn Gathering to celebrate women writers

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The Lady Gregory Autumn Gathering, now in its 19th year, will this year include a tribute to women writers around the world. This year’s event will take place in Coole Park over five days in October.

Lady Gregory Autumn Gathering to celebrate women writers

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The Lady Gregory Autumn Gathering, now in its 19th year, will this year include a tribute to women writers around the world. This year’s event will take place in Coole Park over five days in October.

Festive treats at Coole

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On Sunday, December 4, Christmas will be marked at Coole Park, with the lighting of a Christmas tree, and free Christmas treats.

Anne of Coole Park

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I brought her a bag of apples on our first ‘date’. Not very romantic, I hear you say. True. And not very generous. Also true (Tesco special offer – one pound for a ‘family bag’). I was merely continuing a tradition. She was Anne Gregory and during her childhood at Coole Park, “every year John Quinn, Grandma’s great friend in New York, used to send a great case of apples to us.” So it is recorded in Anne’s beautiful book Me and Nu, Childhood at Coole. ‘Nu’ was Anne’s sister, Catherine. If you haven’t read Me and Nu, treat yourself to a copy for the New Year. It is still in print after nearly 40 years.


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