Another busy weekend for Lough Ree RNLI

The services of Lough Ree RNLI lifeboat crew were called upon on a number of occasions during the recent bank holiday weekend.

The crew were alerted by the Coast Guard on Saturday, June 3, to attend a medical emergency on an island in Lough Ree where a resident was suspected to have suffered a stroke.

The lifeboat crew assessed the casualty’s condition as not immediately life-threatening, and the casualty was subsequently transferred to medevac helicopter Rescue 112.

On, Saturday, June 4, Lough Ree RNLI assisted two people aboard a grounded 34ft motor cruiser in St Mark’s Bay on the eastern shore of Lough Ree.

The vessel was towed into deeper waters and the lifeboat escorted the crew to Quigley’s Marina.

Monday, June 5 saw a 25ft motor cruiser run hard aground on rocks south of Bantry Bay near the eastern shore of the lake. Conditions at the time were calm and dry with a light force 2 breeze.

Due to the numerous rocks in the vicinity of the cruiser, crew member Emmet Devereaux left the lifeboat and waded to the cruiser to check that the two men aboard were uninjured and that the boat was not taking on water.

A deeper channel was located to safely tow the undamaged vessel to navigable water and it continued under its own power.

As they departed the scene, the crew noticed a 34ft motor cruiser aground a short distance away which they towed to safe water and the four people aboard continued their journey north to Lanesborough.

Speaking after the lifeboat returned, Lough Ree RNLI Lifeboat operations manager, Tony McCarth, said “We were happy to be able to assist both vessels today and to help these six people continue to enjoy their weekend on Lough Ree. Navigation markers on the lake are located so that each one can be seen from the one before. If you cannot see the next marker, slow down, check your location on your navigation chart and proceed with caution in its approximate direction until you see it.”


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