Join the sixth annual Young Lions Summer Soccer Coaching School

The Young Lions Summer Soccer Coaching School, based on the Moate Business School campus, will run every Saturday from June 10 this year.

The school is designed to encourage players at an early age to develop football and teamwork skills in a safe, non-competitive, fun-environment, with parental support and encouragement, under the direction of a team of skilled coaches.

The Young Lions Soccer Coaching School welcomes boys and girls ranging in age from five to 14 years old, including those who may already be members of clubs or teams. Once registered, children and parents are requested to attend all sessions and be in attendance 10 minutes before kick-off. Sessions run for one hour each Saturday. The five- and six-year-olds will work in their own coaching area.

Parents must accompany their child to and from the campus and stay on the sideline encouraging all players for the duration of the session. The parent’s attendance is fundamental to the success of this programme. Neither parental nor third party coaching is allowed from the sideline. Parents/guardians who leave early must bring their child with them. The school is not equipped to deal with a child/player who may need individual parental support.

Players are required to bring runners/football boots; shin-pads; tracksuit; shorts and football socks. There are no sweets, snacks, or drinks allowed, other than fruit and water.

The final registration date is Saturday, May 13, at Moate Business College from 2pm. Players cannot be registered after this date.

There is a €20 registration fee and a €2 weekly player subscription. The weekly subscription must also be paid even for missed Saturdays. A reduced Family registration of €30 per household is in place.

Player registration forms are available online. For more information check out Young Lions Soccer School on Facebook or email [email protected].


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