Boxer welcomes €190k investment in Streamstown and Horseleap

Longford/Westmeath TD, Deputy Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran has welcomed the commencement and completion of a number of projects in Streamstown and Horseleap, including a significant flood relief scheme at Dolan’s Bridge.

In the region of €20,000 has been spent on a minor works scheme at Dolan’s Bridge at Horseleap to address the flooding issue that had arisen there.

Work is also ongoing at Rockfield River where approximately €50,000 is being spent on another flood relief programme. “This was an area where there had been significant flooding and I was delighted to make representations on behalf of the people living there to the Minister of State at the OPW, Sean Canney, who agreed to fund a minor works scheme there in conjunction with Westmeath County Council. The scheme will ease the flooding in the area for a number of homes,” said Deputy Moran.

In addition, work on a 25-space car park at Streamstown that will connect with the Greenway is set to begin this week, with a total investment of around €120,000. The funding will also provide for a pedestrian crossing and traffic-calming measures at the school.


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