Government delivering on Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness - Moran

The extension of Housing Assistance Payment (HAP ) to Longford and Westmeath is a further example of the Government delivering on another key action under ‘Rebuilding Ireland: Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness’ local TD, Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran, has said.

The HAP scheme is to become operational on a statutory basis in Longford and Westmeath. This means that eligible households in these local authority areas can now apply and, if deemed eligible, avail of another form of social housing support.

The introduction of HAP means that the local authorities can now provide housing assistance to many more households with a long-term housing need, including many long-term Rent Supplement recipients, as well as households who may not be eligible for Rent Supplement but who are struggling with the cost of rent.

As well as removing a barrier to employment by allowing recipients to remain in the scheme if they gain full-time employment, the HAP scheme improves regulation of the rented accommodation being supported and it provides certainty for landlords as regards their rental income.

“The extension of the HAP scheme to Longford and Westmeath is something that I have argued strongly for from Minister Coveney and demonstrates this Government’s commitment in helping to ensure that everyone can access a home, either on their own, or with State support,” said Deputy Moran.

“The Government remains determined to increase the supply of social housing but the HAP scheme also continues to offer many families stable and supported social housing.”

Deputy Moran also pointed out that the increases in July 2016 to the maximum rent limits underpinning the HAP scheme, together with the additional flexibility provided to local authorities in operating the scheme locally, means that HAP can and will continue to offer families ongoing support and access to good quality housing in communities of their choice.


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