Have your say on Church Street one-way plan

Ambitious plans for changes to Athlone’s Church Street are now on display, with members of the public being encouraged to make submissions.

The plans can be inspected until Monday, January 16, and submissions will be accepted up until Wednesday February 1, giving members of the public more than two months to prepare their input.

The €3 million makeover, approved by Athlone Municipal District councillors in September, is to include a westbound one-way traffic system, wider footpaths, and enhanced public spaces.

The proposed development will include traffic calming of Church Street, and the Northgate Street/ Custume Place junction, and The Bawn/ Mardyke Street/ Dublin Gate Street intersections.

It will also see Church Street paved in a combination of different stone types to include granite, limestone, and basalt, in order to take account of the access needs of pedestrians, service vehicles, and persons with special needs.

The provision of high quality street furniture and soft landscaping and trees, as well as new route signage also form part of the plan on display.

The plans can be inspected at Athlone Civic Centre and on www.westmeathcoco.ie, and submissions can be made to The Planning Section, Athlone Civic Centre, Athlone, or emailed to [email protected], marked Church Street Enhancement.


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