Westmeath encouraged to get behind Project EDWARD

Westmeath County Council is seeking the public’s support for Project EDWARD, which aims to be a European Day Without A Road Death, and takes place on Wednesday, September 21.

Project EDWARD is supported by An Garda Síochána, the Road Safety Authority (RSA ), and TISPOL who represent the Traffic Police network across Europe.

Drivers can put themselves or other road users at risk by speeding, drink-driving, not wearing a seatbelt, using the phone while driving, or engaging in other risky manoeuvres. Many passengers, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians also increase their risk levels by choosing to ignore basic rules or cutting corners in relation to their safety.

Project EDWARD will encourage all road users to reflect on their attitudes and behaviour. The goal is that no one should die on the roads of Europe on Wednesday September 21. Project EDWARD also aims to contribute to further sustained reductions in road deaths and serious injury.

Whether you represent a private organisation, a public agency, a charity, school, college, or university, or simply care as an individual, please make the pledge to support Project EDWARD and do your bit to improve safety on our roads.

For more information and to make your pledge to make September 21 a European Day Without A Road Death please see www.tispol.org


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