New illustrated history of Clonown in the pipeline

Clonown Heritage Group has announced plans for a new illustrated history of Clonown and its hinterland.

A wide range of photos have been gathered and displayed during recent years and the group is now looking for further photographs and items of interest to be included in this new project.

The group is interested in photographs relating to the area covering any subject. Of special interest are group photographs and images of people carrying out everyday activities.

The book will also include images of old dwellings, family heirlooms, newspaper cuttings, sports items, and letters. The group is hoping to include military memorabilia from the War of Independence and other conflicts. It will also contain maps of each townland, identifying the location of houses, families, and local place names.

All items will be handled carefully, scanned, and returned to the owner without delay. Owners who wish to scan the items themselves can email the images or text to [email protected] or post to the group's Facebook page. Anyone with Clonown connections should not forget to check the attic for all those hidden treasures!

For more information or to contribute material contact Rosaleen on (087 ) 7600128, Teresa on (087 ) 6204914, or Anthony on (087 ) 9065757. Alternatively, email [email protected].


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