Applications invited for Local Improvement Schemes

Westmeath County Council is inviting applications for funding under the Local Improvement Scheme, which allows construction or improvement works to be undertaken on non-public roads.

A total of €106,000 has been allocated by the council towards the scheme for 2016.

The scheme caters mainly for access to land holdings and farm residencies. However projects on roads which will be used by the public, for example access routes to lakeshores or common areas, will also be eligible.

In addition, the guidelines make provision for the council to exercise discretion where there are special circumstances, such as hardship or elderly or disabled occupants.

The council pays 60 per cent of the cost in each case, while the local contribution will be 40 per cent, which must be paid prior to the commencement of works.

The closing date for applications for the scheme is May 31. Application forms are available at Athlone and Mullingar District Offices and may be also be downloaded from


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