Longford-Westmeath election count - live from Kenagh - Day 2


The recount will involve a full re-examination of all papers. It is expected that the recount should be complete before midnight. The count will then resume from that point.


Here are the results of the 12th count in Kenagh. The figures were announced just before returning officeer Imelda Branigan announced the full recount. 

Moran +864 = 10,108

Burke +182 = 7,633

Hogan +533 = 6,643

Penrose + 319 = 6,360

Bannon +519 = 5,955

Gerety-Quinn +1,153 = 5,917


A full recount of all the votes has been requested by Connie Gerety-Quinn. A recount will begin at 9pm


Strange goings-on in Kenagh. There's talk that FF are requesting a full recount. We are awaiting confirmation


With six candidates left fighting it out for three seats in Longford-Westmeath, word on the street in Kenagh is that there may be a shake-up in the leader board with this next count. Based on Morgan's transfers which are now being distributed, we hear Bannon may be set to pass Gerety-Quinn out. If Longford is to have a TD, who will it be?


The race is hotting up in Kenagh, where we are around an hour off the results of the 12th count. Boxer is 1,812 votes off the quota. It's looking more likely that our last two TDs may be elected without reaching the quota. A lot depends on where the transfers go in this next count. Stay tuned!


We have the results from the 11th count:

Moran +758 = 9,244

Burke +1160= 7,451

Hogan +71 = 6,110

Penrose + 399 = 6,041

Bannon +451 = 5,436

Gerety-Quinn +61 = 4,764

Morgan +24 = 4,339

Non transferable votes: 101

James Morgan has been excluded. His 4,339 votes will now be redistibuted. 


Sitting TD Gabrielle McFadden (FG ) is officially out of the race for a seat in Longford-Westmeath. She has been excluded on the tenth count with a final total of 3,025 votes, which will now be redistributed.

Boxer needs 2,570 votes to reach the quota, so in theory he could get in this round. But it's more likely it will take another count


Tenth count results from Kenagh: 

Moran +145 = 8,486

Burke +45 = 6,291

Hogan +130 = 6,039

Penrose +139 = 5,642

Bannon +210 = 4,985

Gerety Quinn +333 = 4,703

Morgan +658 = 4,315

McFadden +34 = 3,025

Non-transferable 201

McFadden excluded and her 3,025 votes are to be redistributed.


Results of the ninth count:

Moran +207 = 8,341

Burke +172 = 6,246

Hogan +125 = 5,909

Penrose +318 = 5,503

Bannon +64 = 4,775

Gerety Quinn +73 = 4,370

Morgan +126 = 3,657

McFadden +76 = 2,991

Sexton +73 = 1,895

Non-transferable votes: 161

Mae Sexton is excluded and her 1,895 votes will now be redistributed. 


Boxer is now on 8,134 votes - still 2,922 off the quota. The next couple of counts will give a clearer picture. Will he get enough transfers from fellow Athlone native McFadden and Independent Alliance running mate Morgan to bring him over the line?


The results are in from the eighth count for Longford-Westmeath:

Moran +174 = 8,134

Burke +174 = 6,074

Hogan +151 = 5,784

Penrose +146 = 5,185

Bannon +8 = 4,711

Gerety Quinn +31 = 4,297

Morgan +39 = 3,531

McFadden +10 = 2,915

Sexton +41 = 1,822

Magan +134 = 1,395

Non-transferable votes: 145

Magan has been eliminated and the redistribution of his 1,395 votes will now commence.


Seventh count results for Longford-Westmeath:

Moran +122 = 7,960

Burke +113 = 5,900

Hogan +26 = 5,633

Penrose +24 = 5,039

Bannon +31 = 4,703

Gerety Quinn +71 = 4,266

Morgan +49 = 3,492

McFadden +33 = 2,905

Sexton +26 = 1,781

Magan +26 = 1,261

Fagan +30 = 1,053

Non-transferable: 135

Brian Fagan eliminated and his 1,053 votes will now be redistributed. 


It is not getting any easier to predict who will take the remaining three seats in Longford-Westmeath. Boxer is looking good, and some believe FG are in with a chance of earning two seats for Peter Burke and James Bannon. However SF's Paul Hogan and FF's Connie Gerety-Quinn cannot be ruled out yet. It's all still to play for! 


The results of the sixth count are now in.

Moran +105 = 7,838

Burke +8 = 5,787

Hogan +200 = 5,607

Penrose +29 = 5,015

Bannon +3 = 4,672

Gerety Quinn +9 = 4,195

Morgan +20 = 3,443

McFadden +5 = 2,872

Sexton +26 = 1,755

Magan +78 = 1,235

Fagan +58 = 1,023

McKervey +10 = 686

Non-transferable votes: 40

McKervey eliminated and his 686 votes will be redistributed.


The fifth count results are in.

Moran +19 = 7,733

Burke + 5 = 5,779

Hogan +32 = 5,407

Penrose +6 = 4,986

Bannon +4 = 4,669

Gerety Quinn +10 = 4,186

Morgan +56 = 3,423

McFadden +11 = 2,867

Sexton +67 = 1,729

Magan +23 = 1,157

Fagan +13 = 965

McKervey +4 = 676

Parker +42 = 591

Non-transferable votes: 20

Parker is eliminated so his 591 votes are now being redistributed. 


With Deputy Troy elected yesterday, Boxer is next in the running for a seat with 7,714 votes. But the quota is 11,056 so he has a long way to go yet. We suspect it might be another long day.


The results are in from the fourth count in Kenagh, which consists of the redistribution of James Miller's 232 transfers.

Moran +42 = 7,714

Burke + 17 = 5,774

Hogan +29 = 5,375

Penrose +33 = 4,980

Bannon +2 = 4,665

Gerety Quinn +9 = 4,176

Morgan +42 = 7,714

McFadden +10 = 2,856

Sexton +5 = 1,662

Magan +12 = 1,134

Fagan +17 = 952

McKervey +8  = 672

Parker +17 = 549

Smyth +4 = 312

16 non-transferables votes.

Barbara Smyth is eliminated and the redistribution of her votes is about to begin. 


Good morning from Kenagh, where Day 2 of counting in the Longford-Westmeath General Election has just begun. James Miller's 232 transfers are being redistributed and results of the fourth count are expected shortly.


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