Funding of €7m allocated to Westmeath community groups and childcare providers in 2014

A total of 49 community organisations and childcare providers across Westmeath shared in €6.9 million in grants administered by Pobal on behalf of Government, the EU and other bodies in 2014, according to a new report.

Pobal’s annual report, launched on October 19 by Minister Anne Phelan, outlines how total funding of €337.3m was allocated on projects which provided additional supports to enhance social inclusion and equality for those individuals, groups and communities most marginalised.

In Westmeath, the report shows that more than €1.8 million was allocated to the county under the Tús programme, an initiative which provides long-term unemployed with a 12-month work placement. Some €1.3 million was distributed under the Community Childcare Subvention scheme, while Westmeath workers were paid more than €1.1 million in wages under the Community Service Programme.

Minister Phelan said: “As an organisation rooted in community values, Pobal, through Government funding, is ideally placed to strengthen the capacity of communities in County Westmeath. The annual report outlines how Pobal put its expertise and experience to effective use to achieve tangible results for people and communities across Westmeath and throughout the country.”

Some of the other grants awarded to Westmeath organisations included: €806,542 for the Local Community Development programme which tackles poverty and social inclusion; €503,675 was granted under the Rural Social Scheme; €402,118 for subsided childcare for parents participating in training courses; and €54,000 funding for Youth Cafés.

For a full copy of the report see  


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