Cathaoirleach awards to be held in April

RTE sports broadcaster Colm Murray is to be the keynote speaker at the 2009 Westmeath County Council Cathaoirleach’s Awards.

This year’s awards ceremony is to be held in Belvedere House and Gardens on April 30 2009, it was announced by cathaoirleach of Westmeath County Council, Joe Whelan, at Monday’s monthly meeting.

“I would ask members to be active in promoting the awards. The success of the programme will be judged by the number of applicants. The awards acknowledge Westmeath County Council’s involvement in developing communities, and the many people who volunteer their time to improve our communities,” said Cllr Whelan.

Meanwhile last year’s cathaoirleach, Cllr Mick Dollard, said he hoped as many organisations as possible would get involved in this year’s awards. “There are people doing tireless work, which often goes unrecognised,” he said, adding; “We are very lucky in Westmeath to have Belvedere House and Gardens as a unique geographical location to host the awards.”

The Cathaoirleach’s Awards Scheme celebrates the work and successes achieved by individuals in the community. Local groups are asked to nominate those individuals whom they feel have contributed greatly to their own community. The closing date for the receipt of nominations is Friday March 13.


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