Judge lambasts drunken mother

Judge Neilan was scathing in his criticism of a 21-year-old mother whom he convicted of public intoxication and threatening behaviour.

“What chance has your child if it has to rely on a mother as incompetent as you?” he asked. “People begin to wonder why children are turning out the way they are. It’s because mothers like this are floating around, stone cold drunk and couldn’t care less about their children.”

“I wouldn’t give them a doll,” said the judge.

The court heard that when charged with the offences which occurred at 3.55am on Dominick Place on January 11, Ms Laura Heavy of 56 Derrygreenagh, Rochfortbridge replied; “I don’t know what the charges are for. They are written in too small writing and when you’re drunk you can’t read it. It’s unfair.”

Judge Neilan said there was clearly no shortage of money for drink, despite the recession when Ms Heavy “can’t even read the small print. We’ll try and make it bigger for you.”

He described her condition on the night as “reprehensible”.

Inspector Folan said she had been highly intoxicated, unable to balance herself, refused to give her address and was verbally abusive.

Mr Louis Kiernan said his client, who had not been out in six months was celebrating her birthday as a special treat. She had never before been in trouble and was extremely embarrassed.

Judge Neilan asked Ms Heavy if she was aware of the “awesome risk” at which her drunkenness had placed her in a world where there are “many predators”.

He asked her if she had heard of Fiona Pender, Jo Jo Dollard, or Annie Fitzpatrick and a lot of other ladies who had disappeared.

“Why in God’s name would you get so intoxicated that someone could pick you up, dump you, and leave you in a place you’ll never be found?”


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