New links forged between AIT and Moate Business College

Athlone Institute of Technology and Moate Business College have signed a cooperation agreement which will offer enhanced access and progression for students in the Midlands.

These new links include an agreement to developing enabling modules for further education and training (FET ) Level 5 and Level 6 students at Moate Business College which will equip them for progression to AIT.

Dedicated supports for mature learners will be also put in place. These will be focused on ensuring that prospective students are given the opportunity to adjust to third level and that they are provided with tailored study and pastoral supports.

Moate Business College provides further education - often referred to as post-Leaving Certificate or PLC courses - to 500 full-time students. The college delivers courses in areas such as business, IT, tourism, sport and recreation, art and design, media studies, nursing studies, social studies, and early childhood care, and education.


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