Aíre family addiction support group reopens for new year

The Aíre Family Addiction Support Service is open every Monday morning from10am to 12pm in Monksland Community Centre and every Friday from 10am to 12pm in St Kieran's Community Centre.

The Aíre Family Addiction Support Group aims to provide a safe, confidential and non judgemental place for family members who are affected by drugs and/or alcohol in the home to come for advice, support and information in the greater Athlone area.

This service was set up to aid families affected by addiction and is run in the community and supported by representatives from statutory, voluntary, and community sectors including: RAPID, HSE, Regional Drugs Task Force, the Gardai, community development projects, addiction services, and Athlone Drug Awareness Group.

Family support meetings allow you to: share experiences; obtain knowledge and information; have your own space and time out; and meet with people who are experiencing similar difficulties within their families.

A spokesperson for the Aíre Family Addiction Support Group said, “This service is designed to support anyone affected by a family member’s drug use. We offer a friendly, confidential service where experiences can be shared over coffee.”


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