Church notes

All Saints’ Church of Ireland in Mullingar can be found at the end of Church Avenue. The present church building is celebrating its bicentenary this year, having been built in 1814. However, there has been a church on this site since 1208 AD.

The church is located on one of the most historic sites of Mullingar. It was here that the town had its beginning beside the old prison, which is now surrounded by the Arts Centre and the County Buildings. The area was known as Gaol Hill.

Mullingar began with a Christian community gathered for prayer and service at All Saints’, and over 800 years later Christians still gather here, as witnesses to God’s love and care, and warmly welcome you to All Saints’. The church is a sacred place and a community of believers and seekers.

The rhythms of prayer in All Saints’ are ancient and contemporary. The stillness in the church is a sign that amidst the busy world, each of us is cherished and loved by a compassionate God who stills the anxiety of our lives. In prayer you are invited to bring whatever burdens you feel, and experience the loving welcome of God to lighten your load.

All Saints’ has a very active children’s ministry, where children and their parents can enjoy the worship of God in an informal way. They also have a growing Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association, which meet on Tuesday evenings, and provide great fun and enjoyment in a safe and caring environment. There is an inspiring adult choir and an amazing Children’s Choir ‘Musical Allsorts’. They are also developing ‘caring programs’ which reach into the community to support those in need.

All Saints’ is an active participant in the ecumenical initiative Christian Voices Together in Mullingar, with the other Christian Churches. There are also very active Church of Ireland communities in Killucan, Kilbixy, and Almoritia.

If you would like to come and join All Saints’ on Sunday they would be delighted to welcome you. The service is at 10am and the times of all the other church services are available at the church, and in the monthly newsletter ‘Union Notes’.

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