Mullingar NCT waiting lists will shorten with extended testing lane

Queues for car tests in Mullingar may soon become a thing of the past with the news that the NCT centre in Clonmore is to be extended byan additional test lane.

In addition to this, the overall experience for the apprehensive testee ought be a little more pleasant with the news that the centre also plans a 22sqm mezzanine for its waiting customers within the existing building.

The new extension will see a further two staff employed, and should cater for another three customers each hour.

All this was revealed in recently released documents which granted the NCT’s planning application to build a 115sqm ground-floor extension to its premises in the western end of the Clonmore industrial estate.

The testing centre will also receive some administration and staff facilities, as well as being providing with an extra six car parking spaces, in addition to the present 18 at the premises.

The council has also specified a condition of the permission be that the NCT pay €10,000 towards the completion of a link road from its present cul-de-sac (L62061 ) to the Brosna roundabout at the western end of the Joe Dolan Bridge (R394 ).

The present centre was built in 1998 and the throughput of vehicles has “increased significantly” over these years according to Noonan Horan Architects of Baggot Street, Dublin 2, who are acting for the owner, Frank Bell.

Applus Testing Services Ltd, the current lessee and operator at the site predicts 14 cars per hour and recommend five or six car parking spaces per lane.

At present, neither a budget, nor a start date for the build have been made public.


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